How to Safely Play Outdoors during COVID-19

If you’ve been reading any of our Playbook pieces or have been seeing any of our Instagram reels, you’re sure to have come across some open basketball court spaces in San Francisco that we’ve featured. As more and more recreation spaces are restored and reopened, we want to make sure that in addition to informing you where these spaces are, that we give you the best practices in order to use these spaces safely and responsibly. The reason why many of these spaces are becoming accessible again is because San Franciscans have been careful. As they open up, players should remain vigilant and continue to be careful. The SF Rec & Parks Department, SFUSD and others will close any of the courts they deem unsafe without hesitation. 

Without any further ado, let’s get into it!


Social Distancing

The CDC and San Francisco Department of Public Health recommend maintaining at least 6 feet of distance between yourself and those who are not part of your household or quarantine unit. For reference, the dimensions of a basketball court are as follows: from the basket to the top of the key (high school 3 pt arc) is about 20 feet. Keeping within the arc and a few steps outside of the arc across from the other half of a full sized basketball court will be totally safe! 

Bring your own equipment

Do NOT share any equipment with those outside of your household or quarantine unit. Before play, it is a good idea to sanitize the ball and each participant’s hands. Do not trust any equipment left around at the playground or court, only use your own. Before touching your face or drinking from your water bottle, sanitize your hands. Then sanitize your hands again afterwards before retouching the ball.

Partitioning/demarcation of spaces

The policy for playing on a public court in San Francisco is first come, first serve. There might not be many hoops available or open at any given time, so it’s in your best interest to come early and play before others try to push you off. It’s also best practice to relinquish your hold on a court if people have been waiting for a long time and you have had a good amount of time playing. Remember that we all are desperate to play again.

NO bathroom/water fountain access

We do not recommend using public water fountains or bathrooms. The SF Public Works Dept does a wonderful job of cleaning public facilities, but why take the risk? Use your toilet at home, and keep your time on the court dedicated to improving your game.

Masks ON

It is currently mandated in San Francisco and the state of California to wear face coverings in public spaces – including outdoor basketball courts. Even though we know it’s difficult to play in, for maximum safety we strongly encourage wearing a mask and only pulling it down to drink water or catch your breath at a distance. While indoors, in no circumstance should you remove your face covering.

Sweat is safe

There is NO evidence that COVID-19 is transmittable via sweat. There IS evidence that it is transmittable through the air via respiratory transmission and on frequently touched surfaces if you touch your nose, eyes, or mouth. 

NO High Fives or Daps

If there’s one thing that I miss most about life pre-covid, it’s the physical interaction & closeness with family and friends. This extends into sports, especially into team dynamics. Whether you’ve been playing on a team for years or minutes, there’s an instant and lasting bond that cements its players together. In the spirit of competition and sportsmanship, the compulsion to high five, dap, pound or praise a teammate is natural. Unfortunately, it isn’t COVID-safe. We recommend if you have to touch a teammate, to use your elbows! 


Not sure how to keep yourself busy while you’re on the court? Lucky for you, the Squadz Team has put together a few games, drills and activities you can do while on the court! They’re fun, safe, and most of them don’t require more than 1 person to do. Besides, you can always compete against yourself!

Fun with friends & family:

  • Around the world

  • Shootout

  • H.O.R.S.E.

Solo Improvement:

  • Spot Shooting

  • Form Shooting

  • Larry Bird Shooting

  • Free Throw Drill

  • Mikan Drill

  • Sideline Shooting

  • One Minute Layups

Check out the list of games below! We’ve provided visual aids for your convenience.